Sunday 21 October 2018

Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney 

Seamus Heaney was born in a small agricultural town in Northern Ireland. Heaney is an Irish poet and he won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1995. In 1957, he went to Belfast to study literature at queen’s University. Then, he worked as a lecturer in 1965, but he was highly worried over the continuous clashes between the Roman Catholic and protestants. So Heaney moved to the Republic of Ireland in 1972. Later he worked as a lecturer in Harvard University and the University of Oxford.

In his poetry, he mainly focuses at the physical and rural surroundings of his childhood in Northern  Ireland. His poems are often short, punctuated by the intensity silence of the people he describes.

Among the collection of his poetry, the most significant are
·         Strom on the Island
·         Perch
·         Blackberry-picking
·         Death of a Naturalist
·         Digging
·         At a potato Digging
·         Follower
·         Mid term break

Heaney’s latest was the English translation of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem ‘Beowulf”. It became the best seller in United states and United Kingdom in 2000.

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