Thursday 20 September 2018

Avarice (part 3)


                            Money at that time was gold. Gold is mined from under the earth. Man is the one who mined gold from earth and puts his stamp and raises money to a valuable position and gets trapped in it.

                           Money is personified in the poem. In the first stanza, the poet wonders as to how money minted from metal, mined from underground.   bane  of bliss and source of woe “ could look “so fresh and fine”. The second stanza mentioned about the process of giving value to money.  The poet indicates how useless the gold under lying under ground; was to a country like a destitute feature. Next the poet refers to the process of making money by heating the ore, minting and stamping on it. Further he discusses, how the man transferred his right by hammering with a man’s face. Herbert sees this as giving rights to command the labor of man. The final couplets comments on, how gold usurp man’s   place,   has drag the man to the depth making him fall in the ditch. 

                            This poem is so relevant to the today’s society. During the time of Herbert, gold was money and at least it has a weight. But what about the currency notes as we have today? Does it have a value? We are the one who are giving a value to a paper. Think a bit…… Don’t you find it comic?
      Themes discussed through the poem are
·         A sarcastic vision of, role played by money in the modern society.
·         How greed for materials gains leads a person to his destruction.
·         How empowering money cause a moral deterioration of humans.

Techniques used in the poem are,
·         Sonnet form
·         Rhyming scheme
“abab cdcd efef gg”
·         Third person point of view
·         Dramatic quality
·         Paradoxical nature
·         Contain metaphors
Kingdom, Stamp and seal, Cave and grot, Ditch
·         Alliteration
Fresh and fine
·         Assonants

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