Sunday 23 September 2018

Robert Frost

Robert Frost

Robert Frost was born in 1874, San Francisco, California. Frost started writing poetry at a very early age. But he was not successful in publishing his work. Then he moved to England in 1912 and was able to published his poetic works, such as “Boy’s Will” and “North of Boston”.

Frost followed a way of uniting opposites in his poetry works. He can be introduced as a philosophical poet. His poetry deals with the specific habits, manners and belief of the people of New England and scenic beauty of his landscape.  But these poems are much deeper than the mere scenes. There is always a very human message for his readers. He was considered as a native poet in America.

In 1961, at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy, Frost became the first poet to read a poem “The Gift Outright”. He was considered as an American poet who wins Pulitzer prizes four times.

Robert Frost  was died in 1963.

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