Thursday 20 September 2018

History Of Poetry

History Of Poetry

The history of English poetry stretches from the middle of the 7th century to the present day. The earliest poetry transmitted orally. So, that dating the earliest poetry remains difficult and often controversial. At the beginning poetry was a collective construction as witness by the folk ballet and religious hymn. They played a major role in religious and other ceremonial functions. It also helped to preserve history and traditions.

This situation changes over time. Poetry become the vehicle for drama. And then it became a mean of individual expression. Today poetry is seen as a highly individualistic endeavour. There’s no other form of expression is as intensely personal and unique as poetry.

Poetry can be divided into different classes such as,

·         Narrative poems – A poem which has the form of story.

·        Dramatic poems – They have the form of scenes or acts of play shown on the stage.

·        Lyrical poems –The term lyric derives from the Greek word for ‘lyre’ refers to any poem composed to be sung. These are one of the oldest most popular and enduring forms of literary expression in English language. Later they were change into ballet sonnet and odes. 

                            Characteristics; Subjective expression of thought and emotion.
                                                        Individualistic (an imaginative)
                                                        Melodic tone.
Today a lyric is a brief melodic an imaginative poem. Expression of private thoughts and emotions by the single speaker who speaks in the first person are usual characteristic of them.

·         Lengthy poem – They contain descriptions or account of their subject.

Poetic Forms

·         The Epic

·         The Ode

·         Ballot

·         The Sonnet

·         The Elegy

·         Blank Verse

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