Thursday 6 September 2018

The Works of Shakespeare PLAYS - William Shakespeare (Part 3)

William Shakespeare


Before 1594    - Henry VI three parts  (printed year 1623)
                        -Richard III ( printed year 1597)
                        -Titus Andronicus (printed year 1594)
                        -Love’s Labour’s Lost (printed year 1598)
                        -The Two Gentlemen Of Verona
                        -The comedy of Errors
                        -The Taming of The Shrew

1594-1597       -Romeo And Juliet (pirated 1597)( printed year 1599)
                        -A Midsummer Night’s Dream (printed year 1600)
                        -Richard II (printed year 1597)
                        -King John
                        -The Merchant Of Venice (printed year 1600)

1597-1600       -Henry  IV part I (printed year 1598)
                        -Henry IV part II (printed year 1600)
                        -Henry V
                        -Much Ado About Nothing (printed year 1600)
                        -Merry Wives of Windsor(pirated 1602)
                        -As You Like It
                        -Julius Caesar
                        -Troylus  And Cressida  (Printed year 1609)

1601-1608      -Hamlet (printed year  1604)
                       -Twelfth Night
                       -Measure For Measure
                       -All’s well That Ends well
                       -Othello (printed year 1622)
                       -Lear(printed 1608)
                       -Timon Of Athen
                       -Antony And Cleopatra

After 1608      -Pericles (printed year 1609)
                       -The Winter’s Tale
                       -The Tempest
                       -Henry VII


Venus And Adonis-(printed year 1593)
The Rape Of The Lock (printed year1594)
Sonnets (printed year 1609)
A Lover’s Complaint (printed year 1609)
The phoenix And The Turtle (printed year 1601)

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