Sunday 23 September 2018

Emily Bronte

Emily Bronte

Emily Jane Bronte was born on July 30, 1818. The names of her mother and father are Maria Barnwell and Patrick Bronte who was an Irish father. She was the fifth of six children in the family.

Emily Bronte belongs to the Romantic tradition. Bronte published her works under the pen name Ellis Bell. She was better known as a novelist than a poet. It is because of her famous novel Wuthering Height , which firmly established her as a master storyteller. Wuthering Height is unique both in its subject and technique. It explores love as both fulfilling and killing, in a unique narrative technique.

One fine example of Emily Bronte’s “fiery stoicism, fervent pantheism, and independent spirituality”, is her poem No coward soul is mine. In this poem Bronte boldly states her faith in immortality in her union with God in that pantheistic view of the universe, which she seems to have shared with Romantics like Wordsworth and his followers. Emily Dickinson the American poet wanted this poem recited at her funeral.

On 19 December 1848 Emily Bronte died at the age of 30.

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