Sunday 23 September 2018

Review of Mending Wall (Part )

Review Of Mending Wall

The poem “Mending wall” written by Robert Frost belongs to the Modern Poetry of English Literature.Robert Frost was one of the best loved American poet of the last century. Being a pioneer poet of America, he considered 2 basic themes in his poems. They are Nature and Relationship. Both these aspects were endangered in the contemporary American society. 

The poem focuses on the annual repairing of the wall which stands in between the estate of the poet and his neighbour. The poet finds this practice meaningless because neither the trees in his garden nor those in his neighbour's garden could uproot themselves and jump into the other.  

The themes discussed through the poem are,
·         Divisions, both natural and man made
·         Unity through separation
·         The difficulty of establishing and maintaining human relationships among diversified individuals in the society.
·         The need of respecting each other’s individuality in order to maintain long lasting relationship.

The techniques used in the poem are,
·         Form of a free verse
·         First person point of view
·         Use of powerful imagery
ü  Wall – Society, divisions, unity (multiple symbolic representation)
ü  Apple and pine orchard- story telling method
·         Use of paradoxical statements
ü  Good fences make good neighbours

·         Use of contrast
ü  Attitude towards the wall are contrasting

·         Conversational language
·         Use of direct speech to increase its effect

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