Friday 21 September 2018

Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath was born on 27, 1932, in Boston, Massachusetts. Plath belongs to the 20th century of poetry known as confessional poetry. She was known as a poet and a novelist. Her interest of writing started at an early age. She won a scholarship to Smith College in 1950 because of publishing large number of her works. Sylvia Plath at the end committed suicide after two previous attempts. At the third attempt she succeeded in killing herself. At the first two attempts she really did not want to die. She wanted also to live.

In the poem “Lady Lazarus” she mentioned “I have done it again” which means her previous attempts to die. She was caught between her attractions to life as well as to death.

Sylvia Plath married Ted Hughes who was also a poet in 1956. It was a stormy relationship. In 1960, Plath published her first collection of poetry, “The Colossus” at England. And in the same year she gave a birth to their first child, a daughter and after two years later she had a son as the second child. But she was unfortunate to failing her marriage apart.

After Ted Hughes left her for another woman, she was in a deep depression. Struggling with her mental illnesses she wrote “The Bell Jar”, her only novel.  It is based on her life and deals with one young woman’s mental disorder. Plath was the first person to win a posthumous Pulitzer prize in 1982.

On February 11, 1963 Sylvia Plath died  by committing suicide.

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