Monday 24 September 2018

William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

 William Wordsworth can be introduced as one of the most accomplished and influential of romantic poets. His theories and style are created a new tradition in poetry.

He was born in 1770 and educated at St, John’s College and later in the university of Cambridge. In his young age, he developed a keen love towards nature and during school vacation, he visited places noted for their scenic beauty.

Wordsworth began his career of poetry while a school boy. But his early poetry received little notice. When Wordsworth in Germany he wrote his finest lyric verses the “Lucy” poems.

Returning to England, he married Mary Hutchinson who was his childhood friend, in 1802. Wordsworth wrote most of his finest romantic poetry while he stayed in Dove. He loved solitude and never felt lonely in the presence of nature. He loved hills, valleys and lakes.

 As he advanced in age, his poetic vision and inspiration was dulled. 

William Wordsworth was died in 1850.

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