Saturday 22 September 2018

Review of Remembrance

Review of Remembrance

The poem “Remembrance” written by Emily Bronte belongs to the Romantic poetry of English literature. The meaning of the word remembrance is retrospection. Poet writes this poem in retrospection of the lover. Emily Bronte is dramatising the mourning of a beloved for her lover. Fifteen years have passed after the death of the lover. He buried on a faraway mountain. The woman professes an undying love for the lover while enduring other desires and attraction.

The themes discussed through the poem are,

·         Spiritual love
·         Adaptation
·         Difficulty of remaining constant in the remaining world
·         How death had become enlightenment for those who are alive

The techniques used in the poem are,

·         Free verse style
·         Metaphor
·         Paradox
·         Form of an elegy

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