Wednesday 5 September 2018

William Shakespeare (Part 2)

William Shakespeare

Shakespeare was introduced as the greatest of* English Dramatists by the Summer of 1598. At that times booksellers were printing his famous plays and even pirated and stolen. Shakespeare was more prominence in a long catalog of Meres. Afterwards he completed the cycle of plays dealing with the whole story of the Wars of the Roses with Henry V, As You like It, and Julius Caesar, the First of the maturer tragedies. After that, in the next three years he wrote Troylus and Cressida, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Hamlet and Twelfth Night.

Some of Shakespeare’s comedies are All’s well that Ends well, and Measure for Measure, followed by Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear. Then he wrote about Roman themes.

Since 1601 he wrote less, and there were many dramatist rivals who were introducing new styles of drama. After 1607, he was regarded as one of the most important citizens. He still wrote some plays and tried tragi-comedy. Pericles, Cymbeline, the winter’s Tale, and The Tempest were wrote by him and was acted in 1611. For the last four years he lived a life of retirement. Shakespeare died in April, 23 ,1616 at stratford upon Avon.   He was buried in the chancel of the church, before the high altar.
When he died fourteen of his plays were published in Quarto booklets separately. From all his dramas and poems, he showed the readers about his long lasting creativity. He used many literary techniques in his works.  It is said that he had many audience for his dramas and many readers at that time and still do exist. Shakespeare was such an immortal writer in the world. His great works will be remain for more than hundred years. As human beings we should pray to have such great artists to the future world.

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