Sunday 23 September 2018

William Blake

William Blake

William Blake was born on November 28, 1757.  He was an English poet, Painter and engraver. Blake’s father was a hosier and they lived in London.

Blake started poetry in the initial stage of his life. His most popular poems were “Songs of Innocence” and “songs of Experience”. These two titles are really contrasting. “The Lamb” and “The Tiger” are best examples for them.

In his life time Blake was not recognised as a serious poet. He questioned the conventional ideas. For example, people at that time think big cities like London were paradise, Blake showed how London was a prison in his poem “London”. He criticises industrialization how the workforce was degraded. In the poem “Garden of Love” criticised the church for binding people with its negative moral precepts. Another aspect of his poetry is the deep psychological insight. In “Poison Tree”, Blake showed how harmful and even dangerous suppression is.

William Blake was died on November 12, 1827 at the age of 69.

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